
Showing posts from January, 2022

What is the deal about vitamin B17 and why isn’t there a clear insight into what it does?

Amygdalin or B17 vitamin benefits do not hold any scientific research based confirmation. It is known to be helpful in suppressing cancer naturally. This is because it gets converted into hydrogen cyanide in our body which is said to provide suggested anticancer benefits. The B17 vitamin dissociates into three biochemical components which are hydrogen cyanide, prunasin, and benzaldehyde. In our body, certain enzymes transform hydrogen cyanide which is supposed to be toxic in nature into a less toxic compound, i.e. thiocyanate. This molecule is said to possess a tendency to treat raised blood pressure issues by dilating blood vessel walls. There are some theories that suggest the suppressive action of amygdalin on cancer spread. However, these are not scientific evidence-based t heories but are strongly believed by some highly learned researchers for B17 vitamin benefits . Theory 1: Cancer cells are supposed to possess certain enzymes which transform amygdalin to cyanide. And it is...

10 Amazing Sources of Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin)

B17 Vitamin Benefit for health         Vitamin B17 is the “vitamin of next generation” when it comes to the natural, alternative and non-invasive cancer treatment methods. Certain vitamins like Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin) are gaining huge importance in the therapeutic world as the people are preferably opting for vitamin therapies over conventional anti-cancer therapies. This is because of the high failures and side defects associated with the conventional methods like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Amygdalin’s Therapeutic Excellency   In addition to anti-cancer benefits, Amygdaline is highly accepted natural medicine for various other diseases and pathological conditions like: Cancers especially lung cancer, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer Degenerative respiratory diseases like bronchitis, emphysema and asthma Pain and Inflammation Compromised Immunity Frequent indigestion issues High Bl...


Vitamin B17 or Amygdalin is a natural therapeutic anti-cancer treasure which has not remained unexplored even among the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and ancient Chinese physicians. There is a clear hint of “Aqua Amigdalorum” usage in ancient treatment practices for various skin cancer types even on the 5000 years old ancient papyri. This evidence is enough to manifest the therapeutic utility of Amygdalin for a long time. It is very popular as natural or alternative medicine for the management of various diseases especially of degenerative consequences. As per various studies, there are more than 1200 foods that are naturally present with Amygdalin/Vitamin B17. These include apricots, cherries, oranges, plums, apples, peaches, raw nuts, nectarines and many more. WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT VITAMIN B17 & VITAMIN B17 AMYGDALIN 500MG 100 CAPSULES ? Amygdalin or Vitamin B17 provides the maximum benefits when consumed in a set metabolic therapeutic regime. Our supplementary Vitamin B17 is 99....