
What‌ ‌is‌ ‌the‌ ‌role‌ ‌of‌ ‌Vitamin‌ ‌B17‌ ‌in‌ ‌cancer?‌ ‌

How are modern day Vitamin B17 tablets playing a role against cancer? The Vitamin B 17 has a chemical name of laetrile ; it is a purified form of amygdalin. Evidently, Laetrile can prevent cancer. In stronger doses, people have reported that it has been relatively successful in the treatment of cancer as well; however, this is not its major purpose. It is preferred for cancer prevention measures. There are many Vitamin B17 tablets available in the market for Laetrile Treatment for Cancer.. It works by destroying all of the ‘bad’ cells that are available in your body. Moreover, scientists have proven that our bodies are constantly making cancerous cells; taking laetrile regularly can work to rid the body of those cancerous cells. Natural Vitamin B17 supplement with anti-cancer effect Vitamin B17 supplement is naturally present in several foods, such as wild blackberries, as well as some other types of barriers, grain such as millets and buckwheat beans such as fava and mung beans, r...

How Vitamin B17 Fight Cancer?

Various empirical considerations support Vitamin B17 supplement for natural cancer cure remedy. Many well-known researchers claim this phenomenon on the basis of their studies and experiments. Vitamin B17 is also known as Amygdalin which is an old known natural compound with huge therapeutic tendencies. Even the old texts give strong evidence of its usage for various skin cancers. As per 5000 years old ancient papyri, ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and Chinese physicians were into amygdalin based cancer curative practices. It is abundantly present naturally in apricot seeds and in 1200 more plant species.  Although cancer cure with Vitamin B17 supplement has remained as themost debated topic till date, it has widely proven its cancer curing results. Apart from the incredible anti-cancer benefits, Vitamin B17 benefits our body in many more ways. It is indeed a potential blood pressure lowering agent and also causes pain and inflammation regression . Further, it displays super anti-as...

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Vitamin B17

What is Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin)? Vitamin B17 in its most natural form is called Amygdalin. It is a natural compound of crystalline chemical nature and bitter taste. Amygdalin is a Greek work derived from almonds because it was first extracted from bitter almonds in 1830. A theory by an ancient embryologist,   John Beard, supports the fact that cancer is actually caused by the unwanted and unpredicted growth of those cells which lead to placenta genesis. The Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin) has an inbuilt tendency to counter such malicious cells without harming normal cells. Another theory by Ernest T. Krebs Jr. claims that cancer is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B17. These theories are not confirmed but enclose a strong message that Vitamin B17/Amygdalin possesses enhanced anti-cancer and therapeutic properties. B17 Vitamin Benefits were well recognized in ancient times also for curing various kinds of skin cancers. It was primarily used by Egyptians and Chinese for therapeutic pr...


Vitamin B17 or Amygdalin is a natural therapeutic anti-cancer treasure that has not remained unexplored even among the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and ancient Chinese physicians. There is a clear hint of “Aqua Amigdalorum” usage in ancient treatment practices for various skin cancer types even in the 5000 years old ancient papyri. This evidence is enough to manifest the therapeutic utility of Amygdalin for a long time. It is very popular as a natural or alternative medicine for the management of various diseases, especially of degenerative consequences. As per various studies, there are more than 1200 foods that are naturally present with Amygdalin/Vitamin B17. These include apricots, cherries, oranges, plums, apples, peaches, raw nuts, nectarines, and many more. WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT VITAMIN B17? Amygdalin or Vitamin B17 provides the maximum benefits when consumed in a set metabolic therapeutic regime. It is 99.5 % amygdalin and is extracted purely from apricots. Moreover, our suppl...