What is the deal about vitamin B17 and why isn’t there a clear insight into what it does?
Amygdalin or B17 vitamin benefits do not hold any scientific research based confirmation. It is known to be helpful in suppressing cancer naturally. This is because it gets converted into hydrogen cyanide in our body which is said to provide suggested anticancer benefits. The B17 vitamin dissociates into three biochemical components which are hydrogen cyanide, prunasin, and benzaldehyde. In our body, certain enzymes transform hydrogen cyanide which is supposed to be toxic in nature into a less toxic compound, i.e. thiocyanate. This molecule is said to possess a tendency to treat raised blood pressure issues by dilating blood vessel walls. There are some theories that suggest the suppressive action of amygdalin on cancer spread. However, these are not scientific evidence-based t heories but are strongly believed by some highly learned researchers for B17 vitamin benefits . Theory 1: Cancer cells are supposed to possess certain enzymes which transform amygdalin to cyanide. And it is...